Ingredients We Will Never Use

There are more than 10,000 chemicals commonly found in personal care products on the market today. Only about 10% of them have safety data.
What’s worse is the Food and Drug Administration does very little to regulate this industry. There is no approval process before a product hits the market and enters your home.
The United States has not passed a major federal law to regulate the safety of ingredients used in personal care products since 1938. The European Union has spent the past two decades banning or restricting more than 1,300 ingredients, while the US has only banned 11 to date.
Many of these synthetic chemicals are skin irritants, skin penetrators, endocrine disrupters and are carcinogenic (cause cancer).
We can do better than that. We want to rest easy at night, knowing we are not making a profit at the expense of you and your family’s health and safety. And of course, we would never market and sell products that we would not use on ourselves or our family.
This is a list of some of the most commonly used ingredients that you will NEVER find in Bella Jade Botanicals products. This is by no means a complete list, but we wanted to provide you with the most prevalent ingredients.
Bisphenol A (BPA): a hormone disruptor that may also alter DNA, used in plastics and resins. Found in: plastic bottles and other textile type products, lining of aluminum food cans, possibly in eyeshadow and styling gel.
Butoxyethanol: a solvent used to control viscosity, or a “fragrance” additive. It irritates skin and may cause cancer and reproductive toxicity. Found in: fragrance, hair color.
BHA and BHT: synthetic antioxidants used to extend shelf life. They are likely carcinogens and hormone disruptors, and may cause liver damage. Found in: lipsticks, moisturizers, diaper creams, and other cosmetics.
Coal tar hair dyes and other coal tar ingredients: a byproduct of coal processing that is a known carcinogen. It is used as a colorant and an anti-dandruff agent. Found in: hair dye, shampoo.
Formaldehyde: Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives (FRP’s) preservatives are used in many cosmetic products to help prevent bacteria growth. A known carcinogen that is also linked to asthma, neurotoxicity, developmental toxicity, allergic skin reactions and it may also be harmful to the immune system. Found in: nail polish, body washes, bubble bath, conditioners, shampoos, cleansers, and eye shadows.
1,4-dioxane: a by-product of manufacturing that is a probable human carcinogen (a known animal carcinogen) as well as toxic to organs and the respiratory system, and a skin irritant. Because it is a by-product, it is never listed as an ingredient. Likely to be present where ethoxylated ingredients like sodium laureth sulfate, PEGs, and ceteareth are listed on ingredient labels. Found in: shampoo, body wash, bubble bath.
Oxybenzone: sunscreen agent and ultraviolet light absorber linked to irritation, sensitization and allergies, and possible hormone disruption. Found in: sunscreen, moisturizer.
Parabens (methyl-, isobutyl-, propyl- and others): Widely used preservatives that prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and yeast. Parabens are endocrine (or hormone) disruptors, which possess estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with increased risk of breast cancer. Found in: shampoo, face cleanser, body wash, body lotion, makeup, deodorants. They can also be found in food and pharmaceutical products.
Phthalates: A group of chemicals used in hundreds of products to increase the flexibility and softness of plastics. They are known to be endocrine disruptors and have been linked to increased risk of breast cancer, early breast development in girls, and reproductive birth defects in males and females. Unfortunately, it is not disclosed on every product as it’s added to fragrances (the “secret formula” not listed), a major loophole in the law. Found in: deodorants, perfumes/colognes, hair sprays and moisturizers.
Polyethylene glycol (PEG compounds): PEGs are widely used in cosmetics as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture-carriers. Depending on manufacturing processes, PEGs may be contaminated with measurable amounts of ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane, which are both carcinogens. Found in: facial cleansers, creams, sunscreen, shampoo.
Propylene glycol: Propylene glycol is a small organic alcohol commonly used as a skin-conditioning agent. It’s classified as a skin irritant and penetrator. It has been associated with causing dermatitis as well as hives in humans — these sensitization effects can be manifested at propylene glycol concentrations as low as 2 percent. Found in: moisturizers, sunscreen, makeup products, conditioners, shampoo and hair sprays.
Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium laureth sulfate (SLES): These surfactants can be found in more than 90 percent of personal care and cleaning products (think foaming products). SLS’s are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. A major concern about SLS is its potential to interact and combine with other chemicals to form nitrosamines, a carcinogen. These combinations can lead to a host of other issues like kidney and respiratory damage. Found in: shampoo, body wash/cleanser, bubble bath, mascara and acne treatment.
Synthetic flavor or fragrance: an engineered scent or flavoring agent that may contain any combination of 3,000+ stock chemical ingredients, including hormone disruptors and allergens. Fragrance formulas are protected under federal law’s classification of trade secrets, and therefore can remain undisclosed. Found in: all types of cosmetics.
Triclosan: Tricloson is widely used antimicrobial chemical that’s a known endocrine disruptor — especially thyroid and reproductive hormones, and a skin irritant. Studies raise concerns that triclosan contributes to making bacteria antibiotic-resistant. There also wasn’t enough supporting evidence that washing with antibacterial soaps containing triclosan provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water. Found in: antibacterial soaps, toothpaste and deodorants.
Lastly, Bella Jade Botanicals products are cruelty-free: We will never test our products on animals, nor do we ask others to.